Local Veterans Day ceremony set for Saturday


Veterans Day is officially observed on Nov. 11.

However, if it falls on a weekday, many communities hold their celebration on the weekend closest to this date.

This is to enable more people to attend and participate in the events. This year, federal government offices are closed on Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Savannah will celebrate with a Veterans Day ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 10 a.m., at Savannah Veterans Park.

Parking is available at First Baptist Church.

Those with health needs can park along Hanna Boulevard, which will be closed off. They can tune into an FM station to hear the whole event.

“There will be no parade this year. Our Veterans Day ceremony is our small way of honoring our veterans and their families for the sacrifices they made and continue to make so we have the freedoms we all enjoy,” said Savannah City Manager Tom Smith.

“When was the last time you told a veteran thank you for their service? Come join your community at the ceremony to show your support for our veterans,” he said.

Speakers at the ceremony are Hardin County Mayor Kevin Davis, Savannah Mayor Bob Shutt and state Rep. David Byrd.

The Master of Ceremonies is Nick Stokke, Hardin County Veterans Services Officer.

Each flag representing a branch of the military will be raised, led by Joe Hurd, Lt. Gen., (Ret.), USAF, followed by a brief statement about monuments in the park.

Members of Veterans of Foreign Wars will place a wreath at the Courthouse monument at 9 a.m.

A wreath ceremony will be held at 9:30 a.m., at the Prisoner Of War monument at Savannah Veterans Park led by the American Legion.

The wreaths on the two monuments remain in place for five days and are then removed.

Along with wearing a mask, social distancing is encouraged.

Anyone with questions can call Savannah City Hall at 731-925-3300.