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Pickwick State Park hosting Tennessee Promise service event on June 22

Students earn 4 of 8 required hours


Tennessee State Parks will hold work events at 33 parks across the state this month for Tennessee Promise scholars to fulfill their community service hours.
Most parks will hold their events on Saturday June 22, including Pickwick Landing State Park in Hardin County. The project at Pickwick includes landscaping and invasive plant removal, from 8 a.m. to noon.
Details for all the parks involved can be found online here. All participants must register on the website. The parks also accept help from any other volunteers who wish to participate.
“We welcome everyone to these events, and we are excited to be part of the Tennessee Promise program each year,” said Commissioner David Salyers of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. “We have found that many visitors are eager to help maintain our state parks, and this is an excellent opportunity to do that.”
Activities for the workday at various parks include removing invasive exotic species and reclaiming the old homestead site at Edgar Evins State Park; assisting in the setup, custodial work, and cleanup for the Summer Square Dance at Alvin C. York State Historic Park; trail building and maintenance at Paris Landing State Park; and cleanup along a trail at Chickasaw State Park.
Participants should wear appropriate clothing for the work and bring water, snacks, and sunscreen.
Tennessee Promise provides students the chance to attend tuition-free any of the state’s community colleges, colleges of applied technology, or other eligible institutions offering an associate degree program. One of the requirements to maintain eligibility is to complete eight hours of community service.