Madeline Petty, a Geoscience master’s student at Western Kentucky University, is conducting research on perceptions of renewable energy in Savannah.
She says the research hopes to determine the public’s understanding of and opinion on renewable energy due to different conditions.
“Small towns in America have started to see growing numbers of renewable energy power plants. I am interested in figuring out how residents of these areas feel about renewable energy being in their community in order to inform others on how to best manage the implementation of these developments. I am excited to contribute to the scientific community with this research,” Petty said.
Aspects considered in the research include whether large scale renewable energy is present in one’s community, physical and cultural location, and more.
Petty said Savannah residents who complete the anonymous survey – which takes no more than 20 minutes – are eligible to be entered into a drawing for one of multiple $100 gift cards.
She said the survey results will be used to complete her master’s thesis.
Thesis completion is a requirement for graduation in the WKU Geoscience master’s program. Students choose a topic of interest to research related to Physical, Cultural, Environmental, Climate, or Geographical Information Sciences.
Petty said her interest in renewable energy implementation and background from a small town in Kentucky spurred her interest in this research topic.
The research is taking place through the department of Earth, Environment, and Atmospheric Sciences at WKU, she said.
To complete the survey, scan the QR code, or click Responses will contribute to a growing scientific understanding of the influence that implementation of renewable energy systems has on different communities.
Petty can be reached at