Absentee rate hits 16.4 percent, Hardin County Schools close for illness


Hardin County Director of Schools Michael Davis announced Wednesday afternoon that district schools are closed for the rest of the week due to increasing absenteeism from illness.

“Our absentee rate, including those students sent home sick today, is at 16.4 percent. To make matters worse, we have over 30 teachers now out. Because of this, the decision has been made to cancel school the rest of the week,” Davis said.

Students are already scheduled to not attend school on Monday because it’s a professional development and parent-teacher day. Davis said this will give students five full days out of school to rest and get well.

“The custodial staff will be cleaning and sanitizing all schools the next two days while they are closed,” Davis said.

He added that parents are still invited for parent-teacher conferences on Monday, Feb 11, any time between 1-6:30 p.m.

Asked about McNairy County’s decision to close schools for the week yesterday, Davis said McNairy County Schools absentee percentage was about 21 percent when the decision was made. The absentee rate in Hardin County Tuesday was only 10.5 percent.