Aug. 31 is deadline for Hardin County farmers to apply for erosion grant funds


Hardin County farmers with erosion problems may be able to get help from the Hardin County Soil Conservation District – if they act fast.

The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, Aug. 31.

Owners of agricultural land in the watersheds of White Oak Creek in northwest Hardin County, Mud Creek in Walker Bottom, Horse Creek, Snake Creek and Indian Creek, or their tributaries, may apply for cost share funds of up to 75 percent for installing conservation practices such as grass seeding, winter cover crops, terraces, gully treatment, excluding livestock from streams, alternative livestock water systems, and others.

The HCSCD has received a $55,000 grant from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Water Resources Program to provide cost share assistance to landowners to install conservation practices to reduce water pollution on farm land in the watersheds of the targeted streams in the county.

Landowners with erosion problems on their farm land may apply now through Aug. 31 for financial and technical assistance available through the HCSCD. Applications are available at the HCSCD office at 1035-C Wayne Road in Savannah.

Detailed guidelines are available on the HCSCD website, or by contacting the office at 731-412-3111, Monday through Friday.

The deadline for completing approved practices will be June 15, 2019.